City Hunter

City Hunter





"City Hunter" unfolds as an enthralling action drama centered around the enigmatic Lee Yoon Sung, portrayed by the talented Lee Min Ho. Concealed behind his secret alias, Yoon Sung assumes the persona of the elusive "City Hunter." The crux of the conflict arises from the fundamental discord between Yoon Sung and Jin-Pyo. While Jin-Pyo harbors a vengeful desire to eliminate each corrupt official, Yoon Sung treads a different path, aiming to impart a lesson and unveil their corruption without resorting to lethal measures. As Yoon Sung meticulously unravels the labyrinthine webs of corruption, a palpable undercurrent of justice, unbeknownst yet deeply felt, resonates throughout Korea. This unseen force of righteousness, attributed to the covert actions of the elusive "City Hunter," gradually captures the collective imagination of the nation's citizens, earning the moniker that echoes across the city's streets.".

Drama Information:

Main Actors :

Country :

Language :

Director :

Release Date :

Production company :

Lee Min-Ho& Park Min-Yoing

South Korea


Jin Hyuk

May 25-July 28,2011


File Information:

Formate:                 MKV
Resolution:             1080
Time Doration:      01:04:03
File Size:                  937.8MB


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